Environmental Audit
This includes audit of all clinical rooms/areas. Once complete a detailed report will be provided within 24 hours, which will provide feedback of good practice, and recommendations of any areas for improvement.
Observed Practice
This is where clinical practice will be observed, with the patients consent. Areas looked at will be PPE (personal protective equipment) use, disposal of sharps and clinical waste at the point of care, and decontamination of the clinical area. Report with recommendations provided within 24 hours.
Hand Hygiene Audit
This is where staff members are observed performing hand hygiene, this can be directly or indirectly. If any areas of concern were identified, bespoke one to one or small group session can be provided at the same appointment, to ensure staff members are competent. Feedback and report provided within 24 hours.
Observations on sharps/waste
Sharps containers will be looked at to ensure compliance and also correct disposal. Domestic and clinical waste will also be observed. Report with feedback and recommendations provided within 24 hours.
Review of cleaning schedules
This review ensures any areas of non compliance are identified and raised with appropriate staff. Report with feedback and recommendations provided within 24 hours.
IPC Presentation
Delivered in person to all staff- Providing an overview of IPC, the importance, relevance of CQC inspections. Highlighting consequences for patients who develop health care associated infections as a result of poor practice. Fun quiz to follow to assess knowledge and learning.
* Majority of these audits can be undertaken prior to clinics starting/end of clinic to minimise disruption.